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Managing kart sessions
Updated over a week ago

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The session management page that shows all scheduled sessions for all of your activities and modify them if needed. Some of the functionalities on the session management page can be modified through the system settings.

To navigate thru the system to the the session management setting:

  1. Click on your user name

  2. From the drop down menu choose administration

  3. From the secondary menu choose settings

  4. From the left menu choose Sessions.

Keep in mind that the options here are connected to the latest version of the session management so you need to have the Use session management version V3 enabled.

Session management page.

  • On the top of the session management page you can see your activities with their corresponding icon. Simply clicking on them will show you the schedule for that activity.

  • On the left side you have your sessions schedule with the sessions starting time. On the top of the schedule box is the name of the session. And on the right side of the schedule box is the number of possible drivers and how many drivers you have already added in the session.

  • On the session management page under the activity menu you have the date selector. Clicking on the date will show a small calendar for switching between days. Choose the desired date and click change. If you want to go back to today's date, just click on the "Today" button.

  • From the left session schedule on the session management page you can choose which session details you want to see.

  • On the top of the session details you can see the start time of the session and the name of the session with the option to change the name. To change the name click on the icon and type the new name.

  • With the padlock button you can lock the session. Locking the season will prevent the cashiers from adding more drivers to it.

  • With the configuration button you can change the configuration of the track, if you have more than one track configurations. You can disable this option from the session management settings.

  • With the race category drop-down menu you can change the race category. From the drop-down menu you can choose to change the category from laps to minutes and the other way around. You can disable this option from the session management settings.

  • With the the race type menu button you can change the race type. From the race type drop down menu you can choose from:

    • By best time - is making the ranking by taking every drivers best lap.

    • By position - is looking for the first driver that crossed the finish line after the session ends or after the end session button is pressed.

    • By average lap time - lap time is taking the time of the whole session and divides it by the total laps the driver made.

    • By consistency - We calculate the difference between the average lap time and the best lap time. The smaller the difference the better the driver. So the driver with the smallest consistency time will be the winner of the session.

    You can disable this option from the session management settings.

  • From the cogwheel button you have the options to print the starting grid and to add or remove time to the entire session.

  • On the right side of the screen on the session management page you will see all of your kartings and cameras(if you are using the OnBoard13) in their correspondent type categories.

  • In the center of the session management page you will see all of the participants in the session. On the left side of their names you will see a checkbox that will allow you to mark two or more drivers. Or if you want to select all you can use the checkbox next to the Name column. Selecting more than one participant will give you two new buttons on the right side, that will be in blue. With the two arrows button you will be able to move the driver to another session. And with the cogwheel you can send them to the waiting list or change their speed map. With the eye icon next to the name, you have easy access to the drivers account information. You can also see the quantity of the product they have purchased, the kart type and the speed limit of the product, if there is one.

Kart allocation to drivers.

Kart allocation can be made in several different ways.

  1. The fastest way to do it is to click on the kart number on the right side. And that karting will be allocated to the first driver without a karting number. Clicking on the "X" button next to the allocated kart will remove it.

  2. You can also assign a kart to a specific driver by clicking the kart icon and then choosing the karting number from the right.

  3. If you want to allocate the karts that were driven in the last session, you can use the "Allocate Last Karts" button that is located under the karts categories.

  4. You can remove all the allocated karts fast with the Remove Allocated Karts button next to it.

  5. The kartings that are allocated to customers will disappear from the list of available kartings to prevent mistakes in allocation.

Allocating cameras to drivers.

Camera allocation can be made in several different ways.

  1. If you click on a camera number on the right the selected camera will be allocated to the first driver without one.

  2. If you want to specify you need to click on the camera icon that is next to the driver's name first and then on the number of the camera you want to assign.

  3. If you want to remove the allocated camera, simply click on the X button next to the camera number you want to remove.

If a camera is grayed out that means that the camera is still operating on the last recorded video and it’s not available for allocation.

  • On the session management page, with the cogwheel in the end of every customer box you have the options to:

  1. Add or remove time

  2. Change the kart type -This is optional and can be deactivated from settings.

  3. Change the speed map - The speed maps can be changed if you have products with different speed mods.

  4. Spend to Voucher - This option will put the product as a voucher in the clients account. Next time he visits you this voucher will be shown on POS. Send to the Waiting List.

  5. Send to waiting list - If a client is late for the session or there is some kind of problem you can put him in the Waiting list.

Waiting list.

The waiting list can be activated or deactivated from the session management settings. Your cashier will have the option to put the driver directly in the waiting list, instead of a session when they are selling products on POS. When you click on that waiting list option you will see the client in the bottom right of the screen. And you can easily allocate him in another session. On the top of the waiting list you have a search bar so you can find a specific driver fast if you have many in the list. With the button next to it you can sort the customers by how much time they have waited or by name. With the checkboxes next to every name you can choose more than one customer to add to the specific session. Or you can use the select all checkbox. When using the select all option. You have the option to add the drivers to the session you are currently on with the green arrow and send them to another with the two arrows button.

  • Next to every customer name is a cogwheel with options to:

  1. Add or remove time

  2. Change the kart type -This is optional and can be deactivated from settings.

  3. Change the speed map - The speed maps can be changed if you have products with different speed mods.

  4. Spend to Voucher - This option will put the product as a voucher in the clients account. Next time he visits you this voucher will be shown on POS. Send to the Waiting List.

  5. Send to waiting list - If a client is late for the session or there is some kind of problem you can put him in the Waiting list.

  6. Spend the product to voucher

  7. Suspend the session.

  8. add onboard video - you will see the add onboard video option only if the client did not bought an on board video on POS. The driver can pay now or after the race. Clicking on the Add Onboard13 Video button will open a pop-menu with the name of the user that is currently logged in, the video products you have for selling and option to pay now or later. Once you are done click the Save button and the product will be added to the corresponding customer. If you choose to pay later, the system will create an open order for the onboard video.

  • To change which session is showing on the Next Session Screen you can click on the monitor icon in the upper left corner.

Starting a session.

They are several ways to start a session. In the session management options you can choose to have a start button or not:

  1. If you choose not to, the session will be started automatically once the first allocated kart passes through the start/finish or pit out loop.

  2. If you choose to have a start button, two drop down menus will appear.

-The first one is how to start the session. You have the option to start immediately after clicking the button, after the first passing or combination of both.

-The second one is for the stopping of the session. Your options are to stop the session automatically after the time ends, stop immediately after clicking the stop button, combination of both or stop after one passing.

-If you have the start button option activated, once you allocate the first karting the button will appear.

Ongoing session.

  • When the session starts you will be able to see the clients that have been detected by the timing system and the ones that have not.

  1. On the left side of the session management page you will see:

  2. the current position,

  3. the kart number

  4. the name of the driver with an eye icon for the account access

  5. the number of completed laps

  6. the time for the current lap

  7. the total length of the session

  8. the last lap time

  9. the best lap time

  10. the assigned OnBoard13 camera number.

  • From the cogwheel in the customer box you will be able to:

  1. Change the kart type - That allows you to change a karting that is on the track, with one from the pit box.

  2. Swap karts - If the drivers have made a mistake and had swapped their karts, you can fix it from here. This option must be activated in settings.

  3. Add or remove time for the driver.

  4. suspend the driver from the session.

Adding extra session in the schedule.

To add an extra session in the schedule click on the "Add Session" button and a popup menu will appear. Te need information is the starting time of the session then click the "Save" button.

LED FLAGS Controls.

Under the date you have a checkbox called LED FLAGS. Marking it will show you your LED flags modes and zones.

By clicking on the flag mode you will change the LED monitors in all the zones with the corresponding color or pattern. If you want to change only one LED flag you need to click on the specific zones from the Safety zone menu and then choose the color or pattern that you want to apply to it. On the right side you have buttons to turn off all of the LED flags or select them all.

Race Safety.

If you are using our Race Safety, once the session is started you will see the KART CONTROL checkbox. Clicking it will open a menu on the right side. This menu allows you to change the speed set of a kartings that are on the track or even stop them if it is necessary.

Different safety modes.

You can put modes like penalty, Blue flag, Disqualified and more. Under the speed modes you will be able to see all of the karts in your fleet. You can specify to what karting you want to set a mode or use the buttons under them to select all kartings or select all driving karts. If you want to reset all of the modes to their session defaults, you can select all of the kartings you want to reset and then click Clear all limitations.

Another option that appears after the session is started, is the reset session button. This button can be used if your clients accidentally start the session by passing the start/finish loop when arranging the grid for a competition. You can disable this option In the settings.

Once the session is over you will see a little checkup flag in the scheduled sessions box on the left. Clicking on it you will see the results of the session. You can Print or export the session results.

If you want to see detailed results for one client, you can do that by clicking on the eye icon on the right. Here you can also delete false lap times or print detailed information for the customer results. To delete laps you need to have this setting enabled. If the camera is not returned to the docking station in a short period of time you will receive warning messages on the page.

Other options you have here are that you can change the ranking type of the session by best time, position, average lap time and consistency. You can deactivate this option in settings.

You can reset a finished session but this option must be enabled in the session management settings.

On the bottom of the page you can open the passing history. Here you will see all kart passings that are detected from the timing system.

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