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Race and Events module.
Race and Events module.

We will show you how to create templates for Endurance and Sprint races so you can reuse them at any time.

Updated over a week ago

You can find the full video guide on creating and managing sprint and endurance races at this link:

Race module general information.

The race module is used to organize and manage races and events with rental or private go karts with various regulations and a big number of participants. It makes managing big team building events easy and straightforward.

To navigate thru the system to the race module page.

Click on "RACES" from the main menu.

On the race module page

On the race module page there are future and ongoing races. You can also find different tabs for finished races and race templates.

Race module templates

Race templates are used to define the race regulations and then reuse the template to create races without the need to set up the regulations again. They are very useful when you have regular races with the same race regulations.

Creating a new race template.

To navigate thru the system to create a template.

Click on "RACES" from the main menu.

Click on "Templates" from the secondary menu.

Click on the "Create Template" button to open the template creation menu.

Step 1 in creating a race template.

General template options.

  • Add the name of the template.

  • Add the price.

  • Add a short description.

  • Add SKU code if needed.

  • Competition type - You can choose from Sprint and Endurance.

Difference between sprint and endurance race.

Sprint races are used when you have single drivers competing against each other. And endurance races are usually longer races where teams of several drivers are competing against each other. In theory if you are trying to create an endurance race like Ironman where each driver is driving on his own, it’s better to create a Sprint race with a long race duration, as you will not have teams in the race.

Creating a template for sprint race and setting options.

  • Kart type

    • Choosing the rental Kart type option will allow you to select go-kart from your own fleet during the race.

    • Choosing the private kart type option will be useful when you run races where people drive their own go-kart. During the race you will be able to assign transponder numbers to every driver individually.

  • Auto confirm results

    • If you choose "no" after each heat you will have a button to confirm results that you will need to press manually. This will allow you to enter penalties not only during, but also after the heat is finished.

    • If you choose "Yes" the result will be auto confirming after each heat. This means that you won't be able to add penalties after the heat is finished but only while it is in progress.

  • Allow repeating karts

    • If you select "yes" the system will allow you to use the same go-kart for the same driver in more than one heat.

    • If you select "no" the system will notify you if you try to set the driver to a kart number that he has been already driving in a previous heat. Also, during the automatic kart allocation the system will take the no repeating in consideration.

  • Create product

    • If you select yes this template will become a product that you can sell and it will be visible on your POS page.

  • Price Type

    • If you choose "Per Person" every driver is going to pay the same amount. For example if the price is 30 euro, and you have 10 drivers you will end up with 300 euro.

    • If you choose "Fixed Price" you will have a fixed price for the event. When the price is fixed it doesn't matter what is the duration of the event, neither how many drivers participate in the event.

  • Use Kart Labels

    • This is used if you wish to add a label with the transponder number, so you can switch transponders between karts.

  • Use Pit Stops

    • It’s used when you want to add pit-stops to a sprint race.

  • Use Rank Classes

    • You will use this option if you want to make a race, where people compete with different kart types.

  • Hide Kart Numbers

    • This option will hide the number of each karting in the system. You can use this to prevent drivers trying to identify which karts are faster than others.

  • Has Prequalified Times

    • When this setting is set to "yes" the system can add Pre-Qualified lap times to the drivers. The Pre-Qualified lap times can be used for driver distribution during the first stage.

Creating a template for endurance race and setting options.

  • Kart type

    • Choosing the rental Kart type option will allow you to select go-kart from your own fleet during the race.

    • Choosing the private kart type option will be useful when you run races where people drive their own go-kart. During the race you will be able to assign transponder numbers to every driver individually.

  • Auto confirm results

    • If you choose "no" after each heat you will have a button to confirm results that you will need to press manually. This will allow you to enter penalties not only during, but also after the heat is finished.

    • If you choose "Yes" the result will be auto confirming after each heat. This means that you won't be able to add penalties after the heat is finished but only while it is in progress.

  • Allow repeating karts

    • If you select "yes" the system will allow you to use the same go-kart for the same driver in more than one heat.

    • If you select "no" the system will notify you if you try to set the driver to a kart number that he has been already driving in a previous heat. Also, during the automatic kart allocation the system will take the no repeating in consideration.

  • Create product

    • If you select yes this template will become a product that you can sell and it will be visible on your POS page.

  • Price Type

    • If you choose "Per Person" every driver is going to pay the same amount. For example if the price is 30 euro, and you have 10 drivers you will end up with 300 euro.

    • If you choose "Fixed Price" you will have a fixed price for the event. When the price is fixed it doesn't matter what is the duration of the event, neither how many drivers participate in the event.

  • Use Kart Labels

    • This is used if you wish to add a label with the transponder number, so you can switch transponders between karts.

  • Use Rank Classes

    • You will use this option if you want to make a race, where people compete with different kart types.

  • Hide Kart Numbers

    • This option will hide the number of each karting in the system. You can use this to prevent drivers trying to identify which karts are faster than others.

  • Min drivers in a team

    • The minimum drivers that are allowed in each team.

  • Max drivers in a team

    • The maximum drivers that are allowed in each team.

  • Min stint time

    • The minimum stint time which is, the minimum time you require a driver to be on the track before he can pit and change with another driver. If you don't have a minimum time, leave this field empty. The time format must be in minutes.

  • Max stint time.

    • The maximum stint time is the time a driver is allowed to be on the track without doing a pit stop. If you don't have required maximum time, leave this field empty. The time format must be in minutes.

  • Min Rest Time

    • This is the minimum required time that a driver must rest between stints.

  • Min number of pit stops

    • The minimum number of pit stops that must be made throughout the race. If you don't have a required number of pit stops leave the field empty.

  • Min pit stop time

    • The minimum pit stop time that a driver must spend in the pit box before continuing the race. If you don't have a required minimum pit time leave the field empty.

  • Min driver changes

    • The minimum changes of drivers that must be made throughout the race. If you don't have a required minimum leave the field empty.

  • Number of Pit Rows

    • The number of pit rows from which the system will choose.

  • Min Driving Time

    • The minimum that a driver is allowed to drive in the race. The time can be different depending on how many drivers you have in the team. When using rank classes you need to set those options for each rank class.

  • Max Driving Time

    • The maximum that a driver is allowed to drive in the race. The time can be different depending on how many drivers you have in the team. When using rank classes you need to set those options for each rank class.

When done with all of the choices click the "Save and Continue" button.

Step 2 in creating a race template.

Setting up the race regulations.

General options.

  • Max Drivers

    • The maximum number of drivers that can participate in the race

  • Max Karts Per Heat

    • The maximum number of kartings you are going to drive at the same time on the track.

  • Use points

    • Using points will give you the option to distribute points after every heat and create a final race based on that points.

  • Final Result

    • By Points. The by points option can be used only if you are using points and the system will sum points from every heat. The winner of the races will be the driver with most points from all heats.

    • Final Heat. With the final heat option the winner will be decided from the last heat.

Adding different stage to the race.

You can add the different stages of your race with the "Add Practice", "Add Qualification" and "Add Race" button, depending on what is needed. The system will create heats for all stages automatically. Depending on how many drivers you have and how many available karts the system will create heats with the same number of participants.

Regulation option menu for practice.

  • Label

    • The name of the round. The label you enter here will also be displayed on the monitors and on the printed results.

  • Duration

    • Min. The duration of the heats in this round will be in minutes.

    • Laps. The duration of the heats in this round will be in laps.

  • Track Configuration

    • The track configuration on which the heats from this round will be driven on.

  • Rank Type

    • By best time. By best time is making the ranking by taking every drivers best lap.

    • By position. By position is looking for the first driver that crossed the finish line after the session ends or after the end session button is pressed.

    • By avg. lap time. By average lap time is taking the time of the whole session and divides it by the total laps the driver made.

    • By consistency. By consistency is calculating the difference between the average lap time and the best lap time. The smaller the difference the better the driver. So the driver with the smallest consistency time will be the winner of the session.

  • Pause between heats

    • The pause time in minutes between the heats in this round.

  • Pause after stage

    • The pause time in minutes after all of the heats in this round are finished. If you have a lot of visitors and you want to create regular sessions for them in between the race stages, you can do that from here.

  • Kart Distribution

    • Manual. The manual kart distribution where the system is not going to auto select any karts for the drivers. That means that the karts must be manually assigned to the drivers before starting the every heat.

    • Random. The random kart distribution means that the system will automatically give a random go-kart to a driver from the preselected karts before starting the heat.

    • Automatic. Automatic means that the system will assign the karts automatically to the drivers at this stage.

  • Driver Distribution

    • Manual

    • Random

    • From list

  • Grid Settings

    • Ascend

    • Reverse

    • Mixed

    • Ascending By Best Time

    • Reverse By Best Time

    • Mixed By Best Time. mixed meaning that the system will put the first driver in the first heat, the second driver in the second, the third driver in the first and so on depending on how many heats you have.

Regulation option menu for qualification.

  • Label

    • The name of the round. The label you enter here will also be displayed on the monitors and on the printed results.

  • Duration

    • Min. The duration of the heats in this round will be in minutes.

    • Laps. The duration of the heats in this round will be in laps.

  • Track Configuration

    • The track configuration on which the heats from this round will be driven on.

  • Rank Type

    • By best time. By best time is making the ranking by taking every drivers best lap.

    • By position. By position is looking for the first driver that crossed the finish line after the session ends or after the end session button is pressed.

    • By avg. lap time. By average lap time is taking the time of the whole session and divides it by the total laps the driver made.

    • By consistency. By consistency is calculating the difference between the average lap time and the best lap time. The smaller the difference the better the driver. So the driver with the smallest consistency time will be the winner of the session.

  • Pause between heats

    • The pause time in minutes between the heats in this round.

  • Pause after stage

    • The pause time in minutes after all of the heats in this round are finished. If you have a lot of visitors and you want to create regular sessions for them in between the race stages, you can do that from here.

  • Kart Distribution

    • Manual. The manual kart distribution where the system is not going to auto select any karts for the drivers. That means that the karts must be manually assigned to the drivers before starting the every heat.

    • Random. The random kart distribution means that the system will automatically give a random go-kart to a driver from the preselected karts before starting the heat.

    • Automatic. Automatic means that the system will assign the karts automatically to the drivers at this stage.

    • Same. Same means the system will automatically give the same go-kart to the driver as the kart they drove in the previous heat.

    • Next Number. Next number means that for example if you have driven kart number 2 in the previous stage. In this stage the system will automatically put you on the next number in this example 3.

  • Driver Distribution

    • Manual

    • Random

    • From list

    • By best time

    • By position

    • By avg. time of all laps

    • Same

    • By avg. best laps

    • By Point Descending

    • By Points Ascending

  • Grid Settings

    • Ascend

    • Reverse

    • Mixed

    • Ascending By Best Time

    • Reverse By Best Time

    • Mixed By Best Time. mixed meaning that the system will put the first driver in the first heat, the second driver in the second, the third driver in the first and so on depending on how many heats you have.

Regulation option menu for race.

  • Label

    • The name of the round. The label you enter here will also be displayed on the monitors and on the printed results.

  • Duration

    • Min. The duration of the heats in this round will be in minutes.

    • Laps. The duration of the heats in this round will be in laps.

  • Track Configuration

    • The track configuration on which the heats from this round will be driven on.

  • Rank Type

    • By best time. By best time is making the ranking by taking every drivers best lap.

    • By position. By position is looking for the first driver that crossed the finish line after the session ends or after the end session button is pressed.

    • By avg. lap time. By average lap time is taking the time of the whole session and divides it by the total laps the driver made.

    • By consistency. By consistency is calculating the difference between the average lap time and the best lap time. The smaller the difference the better the driver. So the driver with the smallest consistency time will be the winner of the session.

  • Pause between heats

    • The pause time in minutes between the heats in this round.

  • Pause after stage

    • The pause time in minutes after all of the heats in this round are finished. If you have a lot of visitors and you want to create regular sessions for them in between the race stages, you can do that from here.

  • Kart Distribution

    • Manual. The manual kart distribution where the system is not going to auto select any karts for the drivers. That means that the karts must be manually assigned to the drivers before starting the every heat.

    • Random. The random kart distribution means that the system will automatically give a random go-kart to a driver from the preselected karts before starting the heat.

    • Automatic. Automatic means that the system will assign the karts automatically to the drivers at this stage.

    • Same. Same means the system will automatically give the same go-kart to the driver as the kart they drove in the previous heat.

    • Next Number. Next number means that for example if you have driven kart number 2 in the previous stage. In this stage the system will automatically put you on the next number in this example 3.

  • Driver Distribution

    • Manual

    • Random

    • From list

    • By best time

    • By position

    • By avg. time of all laps

    • Same

    • By avg. best laps

    • By Point Descending

    • By Points Ascending

  • Grid Settings

    • Ascend

    • Reverse

    • Mixed

    • Ascending By Best Time

    • Reverse By Best Time

    • Mixed By Best Time. mixed meaning that the system will put the first driver in the first heat, the second driver in the second, the third driver in the first and so on depending on how many heats you have.

  • Is Final Race

    • Yes. If you choose the system will create a heat with the fastest drivers and then another one with the slower drivers.

    • No. If you choose no the system will try to make the heats with equally fast drivers. It will put the fastest driver in the first heat , the second fastest in the

      second heat, third in the first heat, fourth in the second heat and so on. On the top of the page you can see the race shown below and you can see the distribution of the drivers shown with numbers.

  • Wild card. The "Wild card" options will give the opportunity to the best drivers

    from the second heat to participate in the first one. The number you enter here will be the number of drivers that will change heats.

  • Lucky Winner. The "Lucky Winner" option will transfer the winner of the second

    heat to the first heat.

  • Limit Qualified Participants. If you choose to limit the participants you will have two options.

    • Heats. That will limit the number of heats.

    • Drivers. That will limit the number of drivers. If you limit the drivers but you exceed the number of available kartings the system will create heats with an equal number of drivers.

Once you are done click on the "Save Template" button.

Template page in the race module.

On the template page you will see all of your templates with their name, description, type and price. You will also have the option to create a race, edit, duplicate or

delete it.

To create a race with a template.

Click on the "Create Race" button next to the template.

Create race from template menu information.

  • Race name

  • Start Date

  • Start Time

Clicking "Create Race" will redirect you to add the participants page.

You will see that the Regulations and Race settings will be already

copied from the template.

Adding participants to a race in the race module.

  • With the "Kiosk" button you can add drivers. You can add drivers from the latest registered or the pre registered list to speed the process.

  • With the "Excel" button you can import drivers from an excel table. You can download a file template from the button in the bottom right

  • With the search bar on the right you can search for people that are already in your database.

  • You also have the option to add new drivers without registration from the “Add New Driver” button.

  • To add more drivers faster you can mark the "Add Another Driver" box.

  • If you are using private karts this menu will have two more fields. In them you need to enter the transponder number for the driver and the kart number. For drivers that are already in the system you can do that from the edit button next to their name.

  • If you are using weights you can check the "Yes" box next to the "Use ballast weight" option and type the minimum weight. The system will automatically calculate the weight needed for each driver.

Once you are done adding the drivers click "Save & Continue".

"Session Management" page in the race module.

From the session management page you will operate the race.

  • On the top right you will have the "Event duration" option. This timer is counting the duration of the whole event and has nothing to do with the separate heats.

  • With the "Live Timing" button you can provide people with a link that will lead them to a live timing page.

  • Adding karts to the race module session management.

    Adding the karts that will be used in this event if you are using the rental karts. The system will choose only from the selected karts, if you have kart distribution set as random or automatic. You will not have this option if you are using private karts, as every driver will drive their own kart. You can add kartings one by one by clicking on the desired number, or you can use the "select all" button next to every kart type. If you want to remove one simply click on the number that you want to remove from the "Selected Kart" field. you need to add or remove a kart you can do it with the "Edit Kart Selection" button.

    Once you are done click on the "Save Kart Selection" button.

  • Adding drivers in the race for the race module session management.

    On the right side are the drivers. You can add them manually by clicking the "Add" button next to their names or you can use the "Random" button.

  • Allocating karts to the drivers in the race module session management.

    Once the drivers are added you can add karts manually by clicking on the number of the kart or randomly by clicking the "Random" button.

  • Edit Heat button

    With the "Edit Heat" button you can change the duration and the type (minutes or laps) of the heat.

  • Starting a heat in the race module session management.

    Once you have allocated the drivers and karts you will be ready to start your heat. To start the heat you need to press the Start button. You can start whichever session you want from the current stage. It’s not mandatory to start them in the order that the system has arranged them. After you press the start button the system will wait for the first kart to pass over the start finish line to start the session timer.

Ongoing heat options in the race module session management.

  • A started heat can be paused, stopped, restarted or finished early. With the drop down menu you will have the option to finish the race after the time expires or after a checkered flag. You will be able to see all the drivers with their name, laps, total time on the track, the time gap between them and the last and best lap. With the eye icon on the right you can see detailed information for every driver. You will see all laps and you will be able to delete them if necessary. And with the cogwheel you will be able to add or remove laps, add penalties, change or switch karts.

  • With the drop down menu above the drivers you will have the option to choose what the "Finish" button will do. You can choose from finish the race after the time expires or after a checkered flag. You can also stop the race with the "Stop" button. The difference here is that if you stop the race with the "Finish" button the system will wait for the last passing of the drivers while the "Stop" button will directly end the session.

After the heat is finished you can see the results in the "Race Results" page.

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