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RaceFacer initial setup.
RaceFacer initial setup.

First steps in making the RaceFacer system operational.

Updated over a week ago

To start using your RaceFacer system, we will need to configure the required system settings. RaceFacer software operates on a role-based system.

  1. Every employee should have their own account in the system, with corresponding rights for their job position.

  2. Adding all the different kart types that you are going to use on the track.

  3. Adding all of the Go-karts that are going to be rented in the system.

  4. Making a track configuration. Keep in mind that the initial system will be equipped with the default track configuration for your venue. You will need to create a track configuration only if you are going to use more than one.

  5. Creating the kart products that are going to be available for selling.

Users and Roles.

When entering the RaceFacer system for the first time you will be provided with default account that has Super admin permissions, which allows you to access every aspect of the system.

The first step in setting up the system will be to create different roles with appropriate permissions.

To navigate thru the system to the Users and Role menu

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner

  2. From the dropdown menu

  3. Click Administration.

  4. On the left side in the secondary menu, click on Users.

  5. After clicking Users you will have two sub-menus: User and Roles.

Creating Roles.

-In the Roles sub-menu there will be three roles that are already created. In the Roles menu, you can create new or edit and delete old roles. To create a new role, click on the "Add Role" button on the upper right. After clicking the "Add Role" button a pop menu will appear. The role pop menu will require the name of the role you are creating and the picking of the permissions for that role.

To finalise the creation of the role click on the "Save" button in the lower right corner. All of the permissions are editable. To edit a role you need to click on the "Edit" button next to the corresponding role.

Creating Users.

-In the Users menu will be information for every employee you have, with their names, usernames, emails, and roles. To add a new user click on the "Add user" button on the upper right. After clicking the "Add User" button a popup menu will appear. The user pop menu will require the first and last name, username, email, and password for the employee. The role field in the users pop menu is a dropdown menu where you can assign the corresponding role to this user profile.

To finalise the creation of the user click on the "Save" button in the lower right corner.

For convenience there is a search bar on the top right side. The search bar on the users page can be used to search by name, username, email, or role.

Kart type.

The second step will be to create the Kart types.

To navigate thru the system to the kart type page

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. Choose Administration from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select Go-Karts from the secondary menu.

  4. Click on the “Kart types” option

To create a new kart type in the system, click on the “Add kart type” button on the right.

Creating a new kart type.

Required information for creating a kart type in the system:

  1. Name

  2. For valid lap time

Optional information for creating a kart type in the system:

  1. Colour

  2. Cubic capacity

  3. Short description

  4. Brand

  5. Model

  6. Engine brand

  7. Engine mode

  8. Reached time with other kart type

To finalise the creation of the kart type click on the “Add kart type” button on the right.

Adding Go-Karts.

The third step will be to add karts to the system.

Adding karts in the system:

To navigate thru the system to the kart type page

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. Choose Administration from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select Go-Karts from the secondary menu.

  4. Click on the “Karts” option

To create a new kart in the system, click on the “Add kart” button on the right.

Required information for adding kart in the system:

  1. Name

  2. Kart Type

  3. Transponder number – The transponder number its a unique timing transponder number that is attached to the kart.

Optional information for creating a kart type in the system:

Status of the kart – The status of the kart can be active or inactive. This will determine if the kart can be assigned to clients.

  1. Exploration start date

  2. Exploration kilometres

  3. Exploration laps

  4. Working hours

  5. Chassis number

  6. Engine number

  7. Purchase price

  8. Purchase condition

  9. Condition of the karting at the moment of creating

To finalise the creation of the kart click on the "Save" button in the lower right corner.

Useful information:

All of the information provided in the process of adding a new kart to the system can be used in the Garage module.

Track configuration.

The track configurations represent the different track layouts that are available for the specific track. We are separating the driver rankings by each track configuration. As the lap times are comparable only for the same track layouts. By default, RaceFacer system will come with one preinstalled track configuration.

The forth step will be to create a track configuration.

To navigate thru the system to the track configuration page:

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner

  2. From the dropdown menu, choose Administration

  3. From the secondary menu choose Configurations.

    On the main page, you will see all of your track configurations and you will be able to add, edit or delete them.

To create a new track configuration click on the “Add configuration” button on the right.

Required information for creating track configuration in the system:

  1. Name

  2. Length- in meters

  3. Number of turns

To finalise the creation of the kart click on the "Save" button in the right corner.

Useful information:

Only one track configurations can be active at given time activated. The active track configuration represents the one that you are currently using. This means that all new sessions will be created on that track layout that is currently activated. The rankings shown on the track monitors will be for the currently active configuration. If you want to change the currently active configuration, click on the “Activate” button next to the name of the configuration. Keep in mind that if you change the active track configuration, this will not change the track configuration of the already created sessions which are not started.

Kart Products.

The fifth step will be to create your kart products.

To navigate thru the system to the kart type page

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. Choose Administration from the dropdown menu.

  3. From the secondary menu choose Kart Products.

  4. To create a karting product click on the “New Product” button.

Required information for creating a standard kart product in the system:

  1. Name

  2. Status – The status of the product can be active or inactive. Basically stating if the product will be available for selling or not.

  3. Colour - Usually, they are matched with the kart type colours.

  4. Kart Type - You can choose this product to be available for one kart type or for all kart types.

  5. Product type option it can be Standard or Competition.

  6. Age group limit – Age group field is used when you want to differentiate your products for adults or children.

  7. Product category – The product category can be time or laps depending on what is the product based on.

  8. Rank type - The ranking type is used to determine how the system should rank the drivers after the session. From the rank type dropdown menu you can choose:

    1. By time - By time is making the ranking by taking every driver's best lap time.

    2. By position - By position is looking for the first driver that crossed the finish line after the session ends or after the end session button is pressed.

    3. Average lap - By average lap time is taking the time of the whole session and divides it by the total laps the driver made.

    4. Consistency - . By consistency, we calculate the difference between the average lap time and the best lap time. The smaller the difference, the better the driver. So the driver with the smallest consistency time will be the winner of the session.

  9. SKU - A SKU or stock keeping unit, is an alphanumeric code retailers use to identify and track a product. Retailers using SKU’s will assign a unique code to each item in their inventory. And you can enter it here.

  10. Barcode - If you have a scanner you can set barcodes to your products and scan them for faster workflow. If you want the system can generate a barcode for you automatically. If you don’t want to use them, just leave the fields empty.

  11. Package detail – In the package detail field is the set amount of time or laps depending on what was chosen in the Product Category field

  12. Price field – The price field is where the price of the product will be defined. If the product free the price should be set to 0.

  13. Limit – The limit field can be used to create a limited usage to a product.

  14. Custom validity – The custom validity option can set restrictions of when a product will be available for selling. Example: If creating a product with a promo price that is active only on the workdays from 12:00 to 14:00.

  15. Promotion - Promotion will change the place where the product is seen. In POS, the product will be visible under the promotions tab.

  16. Personal discount - Personal Discount is something that can be added through the client's account. If the “personal discount” option is activated and the person receiving this product has a personal discount, the cashier will be able to see it in POS.

  17. Valid only with QR-code - QR-code means the product will be sellable only by scanning a QR-code in the RaceFacer application and you will not be able to see it in POS.

To finalise the creation of the standard kart product click on the "Save" button in the right corner.

Required information for creating a competition kart product in the system:

  1. Max driver count – Is the maximum number of participants in this race.

  2. Number of sessions – In the “number of sessions” field you need to choose how many stages the race will have. There can be as many sessions as needed. Two - one qualification and a race, or three - training first, qualification and a race.

  3. Name of the session

  4. Session type

  5. Quantity

  6. Status – The status of the product can be active or inactive. Basically stating if the product will be available for selling or not.

  7. Colour - Usually, they are matched with the kart type colours.

  8. Kart Type - You can choose this product to be available for one kart type or for all kart types.

  9. Product type option it can be Standard or Competition.

  10. Age group limit – Age group field is used when you want to differentiate your products for adults or children.

  11. Product category – The product category can be time or laps depending on what is the product based on.

  12. Rank type - The ranking type is used to determine how the system should rank the drivers after the session. From the rank type dropdown menu you can choose:

    1. By time - By time is making the ranking by taking every driver's best lap time.

    2. By position - By position is looking for the first driver that crossed the finish line after the session ends or after the end session button is pressed.

    3. Average lap - By average lap time is taking the time of the whole session and divides it by the total laps the driver made.

    4. Consistency - . By consistency, we calculate the difference between the average lap time and the best lap time. The smaller the difference, the better the driver. So the driver with the smallest consistency time will be the winner of the session.

  13. SKU - A SKU or stock keeping unit, is an alphanumeric code retailers use to identify and track a product. Retailers using SKU’s will assign a unique code to each item in their inventory. And you can enter it here.

  14. Barcode - If you have a scanner you can set barcodes to your products and scan them for faster workflow. If you want the system can generate a barcode for you automatically. If you don’t want to use them, just leave the fields empty.

  15. Package detail – In the package detail field is the set amount of time or laps depending on what was chosen in the Product Category field

  16. Price field – The price field is where the price of the product will be defined. If the product free the price should be set to 0.

  17. Limit – The limit field can be used to create a limited usage to a product.

  18. Custom validity – The custom validity option can set restrictions of when a product will be available for selling. Example: If creating a product with a promo price that is active only on the workdays from 12:00 to 14:00.

  19. Promotion - Promotion will change the place where the product is seen. In POS, the product will be visible under the promotions tab.

  20. Personal discount - Personal Discount is something that can be added through the client's account. If the “personal discount” option is activated and the person receiving this product has a personal discount, the cashier will be able to see it in POS.

  21. Valid only with QR-code - QR-code means the product will be sellable only by scanning a QR-code in the RaceFacer application and you will not be able to see it in POS.

To finalise the creation of the competition kart product click on the "Save" button in the right corner.

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