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Creating non-karting products
Creating non-karting products
Updated over a week ago

You can find the full video guide on this link:

In this video you are going to learn how to create products that are not entirely related to karting and how to create package products

Creating products for the Bar.

To navigate thru the system to the Bar page.

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. From the drop down menu click “Administration”.

  3. From the secondary menu choose “Bar”.

The most common products sold in the bar are food and beverages.

The first step is to create a Category.

  1. Click on "Categories" on the Bar page.

  2. Click on "Add Category".

Making different categories for your products, will separate them on the POS page and you will be able to find them faster. In the add category menu you need to add the name of the category and the VAT percentage.

VAT percentage.

The visibility of the VAT field is controlled by the main Tax system setting. If you have the same tax on all products you can disable the option and you will not see this field. Otherwise you will be able to enter a different VAT for each category. Once you add the name you can click the "Add Category" button and you will see the new category in your list.

To disable this VAT option go to settings.

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. From the drop down menu click “Administration”.

  3. From the secondary menu choose “Settings”.

  4. From the left side choose POS.

You will see a drop down menu “Has different TAX %”. Clicking on it and choosing "No". Will hide the vat percentage field.

The second step is to create your suppliers.

  1. To go to the click on "Suppliers" on the bar page.

  2. Then click on "Add Supplier" button.

Required fields.

  1. Name

Unrequited information.

  1. e-mail

  2. Phone

  3. Website

  4. Zip code

  5. Address

When you enter all the information needed you can click the "Add Supplier" button and your new supplier will be created.

The third step is to create the products.

Keep in mind that the system will not allow you to create products if you don't have a supplier and a category.

To create your product.

  1. Click on "Product" in the secondary menu.

  2. Click on the "Add Product" button.

Required fields:

  1. Name

  2. Supplier

  3. Category - On the POS page you will find your product under the category you specify here.

  4. Net Price

  5. Sell Price.

Unrequited information.

  1. SKU code - A SKU is a unique code that identify characteristics about each product, such as manufacturer, brand, style, etc.

  2. Barcode - Our system can generate a barcode automatically, or you can input your own if you have one.

  3. Short Description - Write a brief description of the product to provide more information. Personal Discount - Decide whether your clients can apply their personal discounts to this item.

  4. Inventory Tracking - You can choose if the system will track the available inventory for this product.

  5. Only registered users - If you choose yes only people that are with accounts will be able to buy this product.

After all of the information is filled click the "Add product" button to save the product in the system. If you go to your POS page. Click on "Bar". And choose the corresponding category to find the product you created.

Creating products for the Shop.

In the shop you can put merchandise like Helmets, Balaclavas, Golf Sticks, Gloves etc..

To navigate thru the system to the Shop page.

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. From the drop down menu click “Administration”.

  3. From the secondary menu choose “Shop”.

The first step is to create a Category.

  1. Click on "Categories"

  2. Click on "Add Category".

Making different categories for your products, will separate them on the POS page and you will be able to find them faster. In the add category menu you need to add the name of the category and the VAT percentage.

The second step is to create your suppliers.

  1. Click on "Suppliers" on the "Shop" page.

  2. Click on "Add Supplier" button.

Required fields.


Unrequited information.

  1. e-mail

  2. Phone

  3. Website

  4. Zip code

  5. Address.

When you enter all the information needed you can click the "Add Supplier" button and your new supplier will be created.

The third step is to create the products.

  1. Click on "Products" on the "Shop" page.

  2. Click on "Add Product" button.

Required fields.

  1. Name

  2. Supplier

  3. Category

  4. and Price.

Unrequired fields.

  1. SKU-code

  2. Barcode

  3. Short Description

  4. Only registered users

  5. Personal Discount

  6. Inventory Tracking

  7. Video - This option will be visible only if you are using OnBoard13.

To save the product in the system click on the “Add product” button. The products are seen in the Shop Tab on the POS page.

Creating products for the Services.

The services are activities different from karting such as Laser tag, Mini golf, etc..

The first step is to create a Category.

  1. Click on "Categories" on the services page.

  2. Click on "Add Category".

Making different categories for your products, will separate them on the POS page and you will be able to find them faster. In the add category menu you need to add the name of the category and the VAT percentage.

The second step is to create your suppliers.

  1. To go to the click on "Suppliers" on the services page.

  2. Then click on "Add Supplier" button.

Required fields.


Unrequited information.

  1. e-mail

  2. Phone

  3. Website

  4. Zip code

  5. Address.

When you enter all the information needed you can click the "Add Supplier" button and your new supplier will be created.

The third step is to create the products.

  1. Click on "Products" on the "Services" page.

  2. Click on "Add Services" button.

Required fields

  1. Name

  2. Supplier

  3. Category

  4. Price

  5. Adult booking group

  6. Adult booking limit

  7. Children booking group

  8. Children booking limit

  9. Max participants - How many people can participate.

  10. Activity

  11. Duration - The duration of the product is important, so that when added to a booking the system should know in which calendar column and how much time it should reserve.

Unrequired fields

  1. SKU-code

  2. Barcode

  3. Short Description

  4. only for registered users

  5. Personal discount

  6. Custom validity

To save it in the system click on the “Add service” button. Your service will be available on POS under Services. Don't forget to select the right category.

Creating Membership Packages.

They can be used for different purposes. Mainly you can sell Membership packages for regular drivers that will offer them discounted prices for some or all products. Another scenario is if you are selling daily or weekly passes. Then by assigning them as a membership package, you can easily track if the customer has a valid pass.

To navigate thru the system to the "Membership Packages".

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. From the drop down menu click “Administration”.

  3. From the secondary menu choose “"Membership Packages"”.

The first step is to create a "Membership Packages".

To create a "Membership Packages" , click on the "Create Membership Package" button.

Required fields

  1. Name

  2. Duration - You need to add the duration in days or check Valid till end of the year box.

Unrequired fields

  1. Price

  2. SKU-code

  3. If the product will be available for selling or not

  4. Short Description

  5. Will the product be available online

  6. Color.

To save your new membership package click "Create".

The second step is to add discounts to the "Membership Packages".

To add your discounts click on the “Details” button next to the corresponding membership package. On the details page you will see all of the products in the corresponding categories. Next to every product you will have the “Discount” and “Usage Limit” fields.

  • For the discount you need to add the value in percentages.

  • And for the limit you can specify a number of usages or leave it at 0. Leaving it at 0 will make the usage limitless.

  • Once you are done click on the “Save” button.

If you go to your POS page. Choose "Shop" and click on "Membership" you will find the product we created. To activate the discounts you need to sell the product to a customer. The next time they come, you will be able to see the membership package in their account and if you sell a product from the package the discount will be automatically applied. Every product will have the discount that you specified in the membership package details.

Creating Packages.

Packages are combinations of different single products.

To navigate thru the system to the "Packages" page.

  1. Click on your username in the upper right corner.

  2. From the drop down menu click “Administration”.

  3. From the secondary menu choose “Packages”.

The first step is to create a "Category".

  1. Click on Categories on the "Packages" page.

  2. Click on "Create Category" button.

Enter the name for the category and Click the "Add Category" button.

The second step is to create a package.

  1. Click on "Packages" on the packages page.

  2. Click on"Add Package".

Required fields

  1. Name

  2. Category

  3. Items count - You can add as many items as you need. Just choose the category, select the product and click "Add".

  4. Package Price fields - in the package price fields you can adjust the price for every item.

Unrequired fields

  1. Colour

  2. SKU-code

  3. Custom validity

  4. Hide Package from relevant categories - If you choose this option, this package will be visible only in the packages tab and you won't be able to see it in the relevant categories on POS.

  5. Custom Validity.

After you are done click the "Save" button to create the package.

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