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RaceSafety: Status Bar in Sessions management
RaceSafety: Status Bar in Sessions management
Updated over a week ago

The RACESEAFTY STATUS bar shows the status of all your communication boxes, LED flags and karts. It will alert you for any issues with them.

The RaceSafety status bar is located in the middle of the screen on top of the sessions participants table.

If everything is good with your devices you will see green dots next to the "Comm Boxes" and "LED Flags" buttons.

If there is a problem the RaceSafety status bar will turn red and a blinking red dot will be shown next to the field where there is a problem. In the image below you can see that there is a problem with one or more of the LED flags.

To see all of the information about your devices or karts, you can click on the corresponding button.

Communication boxes

By clicking on the "Comm Boxes" button you will see a list of all your RaceSafety communication devices with their:

  • Label - Name in the system.

  • Server - To what server are they connected.

  • Mac Address

  • IP Address

  • Last Seen - Showing the time from the last status update.

  • Status - If everything is ok the status will be "Online" and if a problem occurs it will change to "Offline" showing there is no connection.

  • On the end of every device row there will be a "Restart" button, that will allow you to restart the device. Keep in mind that restarting a device will make it unresponsive for a few seconds. A good practice is to restart the communication boxes when there are no moving karts on the track.

  • On the bottom of the popup is the "<Refresh Communication Boxes Status Now>" button. With this button you can refresh the page and see the most recent statuses. Otherwise the statuses are automatically updated on every 3min.

Troubleshooting a Communication box

  • First try to ping the IP address of the communication box from another PC in the local network. If you have a response click on the "Restart" button and wait 20 - 30 seconds then refresh the status page.

  • If there is no connection to the device, try to restart the device manually and refresh the status page.

    If the communication box is still not responding please contact the RaceFacer team for assistance.

LED Flags

This option is available only for flags that are controlled over radio signal. By clicking on the "LED Flags" button you will see a list of all LED flags with their:

  • Label - Name in the system.

  • Track Configuration - The name of the track configuration that they are assigned to.

  • Device Id - The identifier of the LED flag in the system.

  • Last Seen - Showing the time from the last status update.

  • Status - If everything is ok the status will be and if there is no communication with the flag it will change to .

  • On the end of every flag row, there will be a "Restart" button that will allow you to restart the LED flag if needed.

  • On the bottom of the menu is the "<Refresh Led Flags Status Now>" button. With this button you can refresh the page and see the most recent statuses. Otherwise the statuses are automatically updated on every 3min.

Troubleshooting a LED Flag

If a led flag is offline, try to restart it and if the flag is still offline restart the communication boxes as well.

If the LED flag is still offline and not responding, please contact the RaceFacer team for assistance.


By clicking on the "Karts" button you will see all of your go-karts that have RaceSafety devices assigned to them. They will be separated by kart type, as in your system. You will be able to see their:

  • Device # - The KCD(Kart Control Device) number.

  • Battery - Shows the battery percentage.

    • - The -1% can occur if:

      • The device was just added in the system and was never online.

      • If the RaceSeafty system was restarted and the device was not powered on since then.

  • Positioning - Shows the status of the positioning sensor:

    • - All good

    • - Half way means that there is 20% data lost and the positioning sensor must be checked. If no action is taken this could lead to initiating yellow flags.

    • - Not working must be checked as soon as possible. If no action is taken this could lead to initiating yellow flags.

    Positioning sensors refers to the magnet and the sensor on the rear axle. Common problems are: misaligned magnet, bad cable connection or the magnet is placed too far from the sensor.

  • Engine Link - Engine link is the cable that reads the RPM and also control them on the spark (for the petrol karts).

    • - If it says, not working during drive it means it have skipped, or missed a reading lately.

  • Last Seen - Showing the time from the last status update.

    • - This will show you that the karting is currently active and receiving data.

    • - If you see this symbol before the last seen time, it means that the system received a passing from this karting, but the KCD(Kart Control Device) was offline from more than 24h.

  • RPM - Shows the revolutions per minute.

  • Speed - Shows the speed of the kart in km/h.

  • RSSI - Shows how strong the communication signal is.

  • Status - Shows the status of the kart at the moment.

  • By checking the "Show only Live Data" checkbox on the top of page you will see only the currently active karts.

  • - Slow moving kart.

  • - Crashed karting.

  • - Karting that is in a danger zone and it's slowed down by the system.

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